Edward R. Dickinson Professor erdickinson@ucdavis.edu SSH 3224 Office Hours On Zoom, Mondays 3-5 and Fridays1-2, or by appointment
Gregory Downs Department Chair & Professor 530-754-1633 gdowns@ucdavis.edu http://www.mappingoccupation.org https://ucdavis.academia.edu/GregoryDowns/Papers SSH 3211 Office Hours Mondays 10-12 and by appointment.
Stacy D. Fahrenthold Associate Professor sfahrenthold@ucdavis.edu Personal Website Zoom Office Hours Scheduler SSH 4205 Office Hours Fall 2024: Fridays 1-3pm. Please make an appointment at the link above.
A. Katie Harris Professor akharris@ucdavis.edu SSH 3233 Office Hours Fall 2024: email for Zoom appointment
Ellen Hartigan-O'Connor Professor of History and Associate Dean, Graduate Studies eoconnor@ucdavis.edu https://uswomenandgenderhistory.wordpress.com/ SSH 3204
Kyu Hyun Kim Associate Professor 530-754-1642 kyukim@ucdavis.edu http://qkoreanfilmorg.blogspot.com/ SSH 4213
Kathryn Olmsted Professor 530-752-7764 ksolmsted@ucdavis.edu SSH 3201 Office Hours Fall 2024: Tuesdays, 2-4
Traci Parker Associate Professor tparker@ucdavis.edu http://www.traciparker.com SSH 4209 Office Hours
José Juan Pérez Meléndez Associate Professor jjperdez@ucdavis.edu Website SSH 3226 Office Hours By appointment: https://calendly.com/jjperdez/officehours
Eric Rauchway Distinguished Professor 530-754-1646 earauchway@ucdavis.edu Personal homepage SSH 3202 Office Hours If you're enrolled in one of my classes, office hours for this class and this quarter appear in the syllabus. All others please telephone or email.
Michael Saler Professor 530-754-1637 mtsaler@ucdavis.edu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUtErxgz7Mo SSH 3203
Marian Schlotterbeck Associate Professor 530-754-1630 mschlotterbeck@ucdavis.edu http://derechoslatinamerica.com/ SSH 3205
Sudipta Sen Professor of History and Middle East/South Asia Studies 530-754-1629 ssen@ucdavis.edu SSH 3228
John Smolenski Associate Professor 530-302-5385 jsmolenski@ucdavis.edu SSH 3231 Office Hours Tuesday, 2:00pm-5:00pm
Daniel Stolzenberg Associate Professor 530-754-1626 dstolz@ucdavis.edu https://ucdavis.academia.edu/DanielStolzenberg/ SSH 3235 Office Hours Fall 2024: Mondays, 9:30–10:30 and 2:15–3:45.
Kathy Stuart Associate Professor Email preferred kestuart@ucdavis.edu Vienna Summer Abroad Program: Crossroads of Central Europe UCDavis.in.Vienna Instagram SSH 3236
Baki Tezcan Professor 530-752-9981 btezcan@ucdavis.edu https://religionsgrad.ucdavis.edu/people/baki-tezcan SSH 3222 Office Hours T & R 1:30-2:30
Charles Walker Professor (email better) cfwalker@ucdavis.edu http://charlesfwalker.com https://ucdavis.academia.edu/CharlesWalker SSH 1279 (1st floor, HIA)
Louis Warren W. Turrentine Jackson Professor of U.S. Western History 5303041046 lswarren@ucdavis.edu http://louiswarren.com/ SSH 4204
Ibrahim Babatunde Anoba PhD Candidate ibanoba@ucdavis.edu https://www.ibrahimanoba.com/ 1 Shields Avenue, Davis CA 95616
Omari Averette-Phillips Graduate Student okaverettephillips@ucdavis.edu 1 Shields Avenue, Davis CA 95616
Zephaniah C. Fleetwood PhD Candidate zcfleetwood@ucdavis.edu LinkedIn Profile University of California, Davis, 1 Shields Avenue, Davis CA 95616
Hüseyin Göcen Ph.D. Candidate hgocen@ucdavis.edu https://ucdavis.academia.edu/HüseyinGöcen 1 Shields Avenue, Davis CA 95616
Pooja Hazra Graduate Student phazra@ucdavis.edu https://ucdavis.academia.edu/PoojaHazra 1 Shields Avenue, Davis CA 95616
Vanessa Madrigal-Lauchland Career Development and Diversity Fellow vlauchland@ucdavis.edu SSH 3219 1 Shields Avenue, Davis CA 95616
Joel Daniel Olea-Calixto PhD Candidate jdcalixto@ucdavis.edu https://ucdavis.academia.edu/JoelCalixto 1 Shields Avenue, Davis CA 95616
Manoel Rendeiro Neto PhD Candidate mrendeironeto@ucdavis.edu https://ucdavis.academia.edu/ManoelRendeiroNeto
Charlotte Hansen Terry PhD Candidate, Research Interests: North American West, Pacific, Religion chterry@ucdavis.edu
Beverly Bossler Professor Emerita 530-754-3654 bjbossler@ucdavis.edu http://newbooksineastasianstudies.com/2013/07/11/beverly-bossler-courtesans-con… SSH 3229 One Shields Avenue, Davis CA 95616
William Hagen Professor Emeritus wwhagen@ucdavis.edu https://hagen.faculty.ucdavis.edu 1 Shields Avenue, Davis CA 95616
Thomas Holloway Professor Emeritus thholloway@ucdavis.edu http://ucdavis.academia.edu/TomHolloway/About 4209 SSH 1 Shields Avenue, Davis CA 95616
Sally McKee Professor Emerita Email preferred sjmckee@ucdavis.edu http://ucdavis.academia.edu/SallyMcKee
Ruth Rosen Professor Emerita rerosen@ucdavis.edu http://www.ruthrosen.org/bio.html 3234 SSH 1 Shields Avenue, Davis CA 95616
Alan Taylor Professor Emeritus (530) 752-4093 astaylor@ucdavis.edu 4206 SSH 1 Shields Avenue, Davis CA 95616