Position Title
Associate Professor
- Email preferred
- kestuart@ucdavis.edu
- Vienna Summer Abroad Program: Crossroads of Central Europe
- UCDavis.in.Vienna Instagram
Research Focus
Early modern Germany; social and cultural history; crime, deviance, and marginality; microhistory; history of daily life; history of gender
Stuart, K. (2023) Suicide by Proxy in Early Modern Germany: Crime, Sin and Salvation (World Histories of Crime, Culture and Violence) (Palgrave Macmillan). Paperback, February 2, 2024. Winner, 2024 Natalie Zemon Davis Book Prize.
Stuart, K. (2007) Pozornaia shuba, ili Neprednamerennye effekty sotsial’nogo distsiplinirovaniia, in M. M. Krom, G. Al’gazi, D. Sabean, (Eds.) Istoriia i antropologiia: Mezhdistsiplinarnye issledovaniia poslednikh let. St. Petersburg: Aletheia. (Russian Translation of Chapter 5, Defiled Trades)
Stuart, K. (1998) Dishonore, contaminazione e guistizia criminale ad Augusta nella prima eta moderna, Quaderni Storici, 99, 677-706.
Interviews & Podcasts
New Books Network, Suicide by Proxy in Early Modern Germany, December 13, 2023
‘Unfold,’ Episode 5: ‘Murder, Suicide and the Macabre,’ October 26, 2021
NPR This American Life, Episode 472, “Loopholes,” August 24, 2012
Natalie Zemon Davis Book Prize (2024)
ASUCD Excellence in Education Award for the Division of the Social Sciences (2011)
Hans Rosenberg Biennial Article Prize (2010)
University of California President’s Fellowship in the Humanities (2007-2008)
Hans Rosenberg Biennial Book Prize (2001)
Historical Advisor
Consultant to filmmakers Veronika Franz and Severin Fiala on their feature film The Devil's Bath (Des Teufels Bad). The film had its world premiere at the Berlinale, the Berlin Film Festival, on February 20, 2024. The film was awarded a Silver Bear for "outstanding artistic contribution." Learn more about the film here.
Lecture Classes: History 4B: "European History from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment." History 132: "Crime and Punishment in Early Modern Europe." History 125: "The European Witch-Hunt." History 102D Seminars: "Demonic Possession from Classical Antiquity to the Present;" "Satan or a Disordered Spleen? The Experience of Madness in Early Modern Europe;" "Problematic Passions: History of the Emotions in Early Modern Europe;" "The Dead and the Undead, 1348-1800;" "Body, Gender, and Sexuality in Early Modern Europe."
Summer Abroad Program: "Vienna, At the Crossroads of Central Europe."