The Graduate Program Committee includes representatives from each of the major fields of study. GPC members coordinate admissions and advise new graduate students. If you have questions about the curriculum, requirements or other aspects of the program, you may email the GPC member corresponding to your field of interest.
2024-2025 Graduate Program Committee Faculty
Chair: Rachel St. John
Europe: Daniel Stolzenberg
Latin America: Charles Walker
East Asia: Kyu Hyun Kim
Middle East, South Asia, Africa: Ali Anooshahr
United States: Traci Parker
GPC Students Reps
Grad Student Representatives: Oluwasola Daniels and Will Simescu
GPC Staff Member
Graduate Program Coordinator: Sharmila Shinde
Faculty Advising
The graduate program chair will match you with the faculty member whose interest and expertise best converges with your goals and objectives. By the end of the first year, you should reach agreement with a professor from your major field to act as your major professor. The graduate program is administered by the Graduate Program Committee.
Beginning with the second year, you will consult with your major professor to register for courses each quarter. Your major professor will:
- supervise the research and writing of a major research paper (HIS 203) during your second year;
- serve as your principal adviser for your dissertation; and
- serve on, but not chair, your Qualifying Examination Committee
Both your major professor and graduate program chair must approve all requests to waive rules and for each of your certifications. The interests of students often evolve to the degree that a change of advisers is indicated. You may choose a new major professor at any time, with the consent of your new major professor.
The major professor will help you develop a plan of study and will supervise your research and progress toward satisfying degree requirements. The major professor also serves as chair of the student's dissertation and final oral examination committee.
The History Department adheres to the mentoring guidelines established by the UC Davis Graduate Council. Additional resources for both mentors and mentees may be found here.