2023: Diana K. Johnson (PhD History, 2017) has published her book Seattle in Coalition: Multiracial Alliances, Labor Politics, and Transnational Activism in the Pacific Northwest, 1970–1999, with the University of North Carolina Press. Johnson is Assistant Professor of History and Ethnic studies at California State University, San Bernardino.

2021: Jessica Ordaz (PhD History, 2017) has published The Shadow of El Centro: A History of Migrant Incarceration and Solidarity with the University of North Carolina Press. Ordaz is Assistant Professor of Chicanx/Latinx studies at University of Colorado, Boulder.

2020: Lily Pearl Balloffet (PhD History, 2015) published her book Argentina in the Global Middle East with Stanford University Press. Pearl Balloffet is Assistant Professor of Latin American and Latinx studies at University of California, Santa Cruz.

2018: Bob Reinhardt (PhD History, 2012) published his book End of a Global Pox: America and the Eradication of Smallpox in the Cold War Era, with the University of North Carolina Press. Reinhardt is now the executive director of the Willamette Heritage Center in Salem, Oregon.

2018: Yale University Press has published The Sea is My Country: The Maritime World of the Makahs by Josh Reid (PhD History, 2009). Reid recently accepted a position as Associate Professor of history the University of Washington.

2016: Lori Clune (PhD History, 2011), has published Executing the Rosenbergs: Death and Diplomacy in a Cold War World, with Oxford University Press. Clune is Associate Professor of History at California State University, Fresno.

2012: Chi-Kong Lai (PhD History, 1992) has published Li Zhigang's Exposition of China Merchants, with the Social Science Academic Press.

2006: Kevin Leonard (PhD History, 1992) has published The Battle for Los Angeles: Racial Ideology and World War II, with the University of New Mexico Press.

2013: David Nystrom (PhD History, 1992) has published A Youth Worker's Commentary on James, with Zondervan Academic.

2005: Hung-Yok Ip (PhD History, 1993) has published Intellectuals in Revolutionary China: Heroes, Leaders and Sophisticates, with Routledge.

2017: Kathy Olmsted (PhD History, 1993) has published Right Out of California: The 1930s and the Big Business Roots of Modern Conservatism, with The New Press.

2019: Chris Padgett (PhD History, 1993) has published Marriage and Ministry: How to Have One Without Destroying the Other, with R. R. Bowker.

2007: Donna Alvah (PhD History, 1995) has published Unofficial Ambassadors: American Military Families Overseas and the Cold War, 1946-1965, with the NYU Press.

2016: James Brooks (PhD History, 1995) has published Mesa of Sorrows: A History of the Awat'ovi Massacre, with W. W. Norton.

2013: Kathleen Cairns (PhD History, 1995) has published Proof of Guilt: Barbara Graham and the Politics of Executing Women in America, with the University of Nebraska Press.

2007: Wang Zheng (PhD History, 1995) has published Translating Feminisms in China, with Blackwell Publishing.

2001: Yu-Yin Cheng (PhD History, 1996) has published Under Confucian Eyes: Writings on Gender in Chinese History, with the University of California Press.

2017: Theodore Hamm (PhD History, 1996) has published Frederick Douglass in Brooklyn, with the Akashic Books.

2021: Margaret Jacobs (PhD History, 1996) has published After One Hundred Winters: In Search of Reconciliation on America’s Stolen Lands, with the Princeton University Press.

2011: Bruce Janacek (PhD History, 1996) has published Alchemical Belief: Occultism in the Religious Culture of Early Modern England, with the Penn State University Press.

2016: Jeffrey Kolnick (PhD History, 1996) has published Freedom Summer: A Brief History with Documents, with Bedford/St. Martin's.

2008: Wing-Kai To (PhD History, 1996) has published Chinese in Boston, 1870-1965, with Arcadia Publishing.

2013: Catherine Cocks (PhD History, 1997) has published Tropical Whites: The Rise of the Tourist South in the Americas, with the University of Pennsylvania Press.

2002: Nikki Mandell (PhD History, 1997) has published The Corporation as Family: The Gendering of Corporate Welfare, 1890-1930, with the University of North Carolina Press.

2007: Lynda Payne (PhD History, 1997) has published With Words and Knives: Learning Medical Dispassion in Early Modern England, with Routledge.

2021: Louis Segal (PhD History, 1997) has published The Conquest of the Arctic, with the Hassell Street Press.

2004: Jennifer Selwyn (PhD History, 1997) has published A Paradise Inhabited by Devils: The Jesuits' Civilizing Mission in Early Modern Naples, with Routledge.

2022: Davis Vaught (PhD History, 1997) has published Spitter: Baseball's Notorious Gaylord Perry, with the Texas A&M University Press.

2000: Timothy Vogt (PhD History, 1997) has published Denazification in Soviet-Occupied Germany: Brandenburg, 1945–1948, with the Harvard University Press.

2014: Andrew Wood (PhD History, 1997) has published Agustín Lara: A Cultural Biography, with the Oxford University Press.

2004: David Foote (PhD History, 1998) has published Lordship, Reform, and the Development of Civil Society in Medieval Italy: The Bishopric Of Orvieto, 1100-1250, with the University of Notre Dame Press.

2024: Wendy Kline (PhD History, 1998) will publish Exposed: The Hidden History of the Pelvic Exam, with Polity.

2006: Antonio Barrera (PhD History, 1999) has published Experiencing Nature: The Spanish American Empire and the Early Scientific Revolution, with the University of Texas Press.

2015: Daniel McMahon (PhD History, 1999) has published Rethinking the Decline of China's Qing Dynasty: Imperial Activism and Borderland Management at the Turn of the Nineteenth Century, with Routledge.

2021: Seth Rockman (PhD History, 1999) has published Der alte und der neue Materialismus in der Geschichte der Sklaverei, with De Gruyter Oldenbourg.

2007: Lisa Trivedi (PhD History, 1999) has published Clothing Gandhi's Nation: Homespun and Modern India, with the Indiana University Press.

2019: Heather Allen Pang (PhD History, 2000) has published Meaningful Making 2: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs and Makerspaces, with the Constructing Modern Knowledge Press.

2007: William Skuban (PhD History, 2000) has published Lines in the Sand: Nationalism and Identity on the Peruvian-Chilean Frontier, with the University of New Mexico Press.

2001: David Del Testa (PhD History, 2001) has published Government Leaders, Military Rulers and Political Activists, with Routledge.

2024: Kathleen DuVal (PhD History, 2001) has published Native Nations: A Millennium in North America, with Penguin Random House.

2021: Weijing Lu (PhD History, 2001) has published Arranged Companions: Marriage and Intimacy in Qing China, with University of Washington Press.
2021: Nicholas Marshall (PhD History, 2001) has published The Sacrosanct Statistics of the Civil War, in J19: The Journal of Nineteenth-Century Americanists.
2024: Erika Quinn (PhD History, 2001) will publish This Horrible Uncertainty: A German Woman Writes War, 1939-1948.

2013: John Strickland (PhD History, 2001) has published The Making of Holy Russia: The Orthodox Church and Russian Nationalism Before the Revolution, with Holy Trinity Publications.

2012: Rachel Sturman (PhD History, 2001) has published The Government of Social Life in Colonial India: Liberalism, Religious Law, and Women's Rights, with the Cambridge University Press.

2010: Patricia Don (PhD History, 2002) has published Bonfires of Culture: Franciscans, Indigenous Leaders, and the Inquisition in Early Mexico, 1524–1540, with the University of Oklahoma Press.

2016: Bridget Ford (PhD History, 2002) has published Bonds of Union: Religion, Race, and Politics in a Civil War Borderland, with the University of North Carolina Press.

2008: Sherry Fields (PhD History, 2003) has published Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico, with the Columbia University Press.

2014: Elun Gabriel (PhD History, 2003) has published Assassins and Conspirators: Anarchism, Socialism, and Political Culture in Imperial Germany, with the Northern Illinois University Press.

2007: Estella Habal (PhD History, 2003) has published San Francisco's International Hotel: Mobilizing the Filipino American Community in the Anti-Eviction Movement, with the Temple University Press.

2008: Brett Rushforth (PhD History, 2003) has published Colonial North America and the Atlantic World: A History in Documents, with Routledge.

2010: David Barber (PhD History, 2004) has published A Hard Rain Fell: SDS and Why it Failed, with the University Press of Mississippi.

2016: Christina Bueno (PhD History, 2004) has published The Pursuit of Ruins: Archaeology, History, and the Making of Modern Mexico, with the University of New Mexico Press.
2010: Celeste Chamberland (PhD History, 2004) has published Between the Hall and the Market: William Clowes and Surgical Self-Fashioning in Elizabethan London, in The Sixteenth Century Journal.

2016: Michele Clouse (PhD History, 2004) has published Medicine, Government and Public Health in Philip II's Spain: Shared Interests, Competing Authorities, with Routledge.

2019: Fernando Purcell (PhD History, 2004) has published The Peace Corps in South America: Volunteers and the Global War on Poverty in the 1960s, with Palgrave Macmillan.

2014: Mark Carey (PhD History, 2005) has published Glaciares, Cambio Climático y Desastres Naturales: Ciencia y Sociedad en el Perú, with the Institut français d’études andines.

2011: Warren Dym (PhD History, 2005) has published Divining Science: Treasure Hunting and Earth Science in the Early Modern Germany, with Brill Academic Publishing.

2022: Monica Fitzgerald (PhD History, 2006) has published Puritans Behaving Badly: Gender, Punishment, and Religion in Early America, with the Cambridge University Press.
2019: Marcus Gallo (PhD History, 2006) has published Property Rights, Citizenship, Corruption, and Inequality: Confiscating Loyalist Estates during the American Revolution, in Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies.

2011: Philip Garone (PhD History, 2006) has published The Fall and Rise of the Wetlands of California's Great Central Valley, with the University of California Press.
2017: Melissa Gormley (PhD History, 2006) has published Gender, Space, and the Violence of the Everyday in Parque Industrial, in Women in Contemporary Latin American Novels.
2022: Erik Hieta (PhD History, 2006) has published Indigenous and Settler: The North American Sámi Movement, in Finnish Settler Colonialism in North America: Rethinking Finnish Experiences in Transnational Spaces.

2011: Shennan Hutton (PhD History, 2006) has published Women and Economic Activities in Late Medieval Ghent, with Palgrave Macmillan.

2018: Kenneth Miller (PhD History, 2006) has published Dangerous Guests: Enemy Captives and Revolutionary Communities during the War for Independence, with the Cornell University Press.

2022: Scott Miltenberger (PhD History, 2006) has published Working River: Agriculture, Hydropower, and the Reshaping of Idaho’s Snake River Volume 2, with the Ridenbaugh Press.

2007: Claudio Robles (PhD History, 2006) has published Hacendados Progresistas y Modernización Agraria en Chile Central (1850-1880), with the Editorial Universidad de Los Lagos.

2014: Kyle Bulthuis (PhD History, 2007) has published Four Steeples over the City Streets: Religion and Society in New York’s Early Republic Congregations, with the NYU Press.

2022: Brian Behnken (PhD History, 2007) has published Borders of Violence and Justice: Mexicans, Mexican Americans, and Law Enforcement in the Southwest, 1835-1935, with the University of North Carolina Press.

2018: Ruma Chopra (PhD History, 2007) has published Almost Home: Maroons between Slavery and Freedom in Jamaica, Nova Scotia, and Sierra Leone, with the Yale University Press.

2018: Steven Fountain (PhD History, 2007) has published History of American Indians: Exploring Diverse Roots, with the Yale University Press.

2016: Guotong Li (PhD History, 2007) has published Migrating Fujianese: Ethnic, Family, and Gender Identities in an Early Modern Maritime World, with Brill Academic Publishing.

2014: Matthew Osborn (PhD History, 2007) has published Rum Maniacs: Alcoholic Insanity in the Early American Republic, with the University of Chicago Press.

2022: Wendy Rouse (PhD History, 2007) has published Public Faces, Secret Lives: A Queer History of the Women's Suffrage Movement, with the NYU Press.

2022: Gregory Smithers (PhD History, 2007) has published Reclaiming Two-Spirits: Sexuality, Spiritual Renewal & Sovereignty in Native America, with Beacon Press.

2012: Patricia Turning (PhD History, 2007) has published Municipal Officials, Their Public, and the Negotiation of Justice in Medieval Languedoc: Fear Not the Madness of the Raging Mob, with Brill Academic Publishing.
We invite you to remain in contact with us regularly, and to let us know about your latest achievements so we can share that information on our Alumni Placement page. Go Aggies!