Nicholas Osoro-Yoder

Position Title
Graduate Student

I am a PhD student in the Latin American History program at UC Davis. Broadly, my area of expertise is the Cold War in Latin America, with a particular interest in anti-colonial and democratic movements. 
I completed my undergraduate studies at Goshen College in 2018 and earned a Masters in Education from Johns Hopkins University in 2020, working as an elementary and middle school teacher for five years in Texas and Peru. I began the PhD program at UC Davis in 2023, studying under Charles F. Walker.
I am currently working on a project about Amazonian political organizations which formed in Peru's Selva Central in the 1980's and 90's. During that time, they made significant achievements campaigning against forest colonization, even as the region experienced intense violence between the Maoist Sendero Luminoso insurgency and the Peruvian State.
Research Interests & Expertise
  • 20th Century Latin America
  • Cold War ideologies
  • Anti-colonial and democratic movements