Position Title
Associate Professor
- Ph.D., History, Yale University, 2013
- M.Phil., History, Yale University, 2010
- M.A., History, Yale University, 2008
- B.A., Latin American Studies and History, Oberlin College, 2005
Marian Schlotterbeck is an historian of modern Latin America, specializing in 20th-century Chile.
Her first book, Beyond the Vanguard: Everyday Revolutionaries in Allende’s Chile (University of California Press, May 2018), is about radical politics in the decade before the Augusto Pinochet dictatorship. For 1,000 days in the early 1970s, Chileans experienced revolution not as a dream but as daily life. Alongside Salvador Allende’s institutional project for a democratic transition to socialism, a multiplicity of understandings of revolutionary change emerged. Beyond the Vanguard provides the untold history of how everyday people worked to transform the existing social order. It examines the lost opportunities to create a democratic revolution and the ways that the legacy of this moment continues to resonate in Chile and beyond.
Her next book-length research project, Making Neoliberal Citizens: Childhood in Pinochet’s Chile (1973-1990), examines the Chilean military dictatorship through the lens of childhood. Far from being minor players, the Chilean military regime saw children as important constituents of its larger project to depoliticize society. I argue that military rule transformed Chilean children’s everyday lives as the regime sought to remake families, schools, and workplaces. Between 1979-1981, General Augusto Pinochet implemented his market-driven vision to transform Chile into a laboratory of neoliberalism. The dictatorship’s privatization and decentralization of most social services, including education, healthcare, and housing, had real consequences for children. Neoliberal austerity measures marked a significant departure from the twentieth-century welfare state’s gendered social policies, which had favored marriage and the formation of male-headed nuclear households.
Research Focus
Modern Latin American & Caribbean history
Human Rights & Memory
History of Childhood & Youth
Social Movements & Revolutions
Oral History
- Schlotterbeck, M. (2018) Beyond the Vanguard: Everyday Revolutionaries in Allende’s Chile. University of California Press
- Schlotterbeck, M. (2014) “Actos televisados: el Chile de la dictadura visto por el Chile del bicentenario,” A Contracorriente 12:1
- Schlotterbeck, M., & Volk, S. (2010) “Gender, order, and femicide. Reading the popular culture of murder in Ciudad Juárez,” co-authored with Steven Volk, in Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies 32:1 (Spring 2007): 53-86. Revised and reprinted in Making a Killing: Femicide, Free Trade, and La Frontera, (UT Austin, 2010) and The Chicano Studies Reader: An Anthology of Aztlán (UCLA, 2010).
Lecture courses: Latin America since 1900 (7C); History of Chile (164); Latin American Social Revolutions (165); Human Rights in Latin America (161); Women and Gender in Latin America (159)
Honors College course: Latin American Social Revolutions (165H)
Undergraduate seminars: History of Childhood and Youth in Latin America (102J); The Rights of the Child: A Global History (102J)
Graduate seminars: Social Protest and Radical Politics in the Americas; Revolution and Counterrevolution in Latin America; 20thC Latin American Historiography; Modern Caribbean & Central America; Women, Gender, & Sexuality in Latin America
- “Teaching Human Rights and Memory in Latin America,” Global Affairs Seed Grant, co-recipient with Charles Walker and Michael Lazzara (2018-2020)
- Hellman Family Foundation Fellowship (2016-17)
- UC Humanities Research Institute Junior Faculty Manuscript Workshop (2016-17)
- Davis Humanities Institute Faculty Research Fellowship (2016)
- Academic Affairs Faculty Development Award (2015–2016)
- Institute for Social Sciences, Individual Faculty Research Award (2015–16)
- Academic Senate Committee on Research Small Grant in Aid of Research (2014–2017)
- Mrs. Giles Whiting Foundation Fellowship in the Humanities (2012-2013)
- Social Science Research Council International Dissertation Research Fellowship (2010-11)
- Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship (2010-11)