Position Title
PhD Candidate
I have a B.A. in History from the Federal University of Brasília (UnB) in Brazil, where I studied colonial history of Brazil and Indigenous history. During my undergrad, I researched politics of mixed marriage, Indigenous women and colonization in the Amazon region in the eighteenth century. Currently, I am a PhD Candidate at the University of California-Davis specializing in Latin American history with a Designated Emphasis in African Diaspora Studies.
My dissertation project revisits the Amazon basin, and particularly the lower lands and Atlantic coastal floodplains as a region of knowledge formation on agricultural practices for empires, as well to counter them. My dissertation focuses on the role of environmental knowledge in empire building, ethno-racial stratification, and autonomous territorialization in the emergence of an Afro-Indigenous Amazon c.1750-1850s. The subjects I study are not alive anymore, but their legacies are apparent in present-day politics and the fight to legitimize traditions, identities, and national policies in Brazil.
- In Progress Ph.D., Latin American History with a Designated Emphasis in African Diaspora Studies, University of California, Davis
- 2021 M.A., History, University of California, Davis (USA)
- 2017 B.A., History, University of Brasília (Brazil)
- 2024 Dibner Fellowship in the History of Science and Technology at Huntington Library
- 2023 History Department Summer Research Award, UC Davis
- 2023 Mellon Summer Fellowships in Democracy and Landscape Studies at Dumbarton Oaks
- 2023 Short-Term Fellowship at the John Carter Brown Library Center for New World Contemporary Studies
- 2022 Society for the History of Discoveries Student Prize
- 2022 Dean’s Summer Graduate Fellowship, College of Arts and Letters, UC Davis
- 2022 Luso-American Development Foundation -Torre do Tombo Research Grant
- 2021 Graduate Program Committee Summer Research Award, UC Davis
- 2021 Hemispheric Institute on the Americas Summer Field Research Award
- 2021 Graduate Student of Color Summer Research Award, UC Davis
- 2021 Luso-American Development Foundation -Torre do Tombo Research Grant
- 2020 Emile G. Scholz Prize for the most outstanding paper in History 203, UC Davis
- 2020 The James R. Scobie Award (Conference on Latin American History - AHA)
- 2019-2020 Wakeham Mentoring Fellowship
- 2019 Reed-Smith Summer Research Award, UC Davis
- 2019 Hemispheric Institute on the Americas Summer Field Research Award
- 2018-2019 Reed-Smith Graduate Fellowship, UC Davis
- Teaching Assistant for HIS8: Indian Civilization (Fall 2019)
- Teaching Assistant for HIS7B: Latin America and the Caribbean 1700-1900 (Winter 2020)
- Teaching Assistant for HIS7C: Latin America and the Caribbean 1900-Present (Spring 2020)
- Teaching Assistant for HIS13: Global Sexualities (Fall 2020)
- Teaching Assistant for HIS7B: Latin America and the Caribbean 1700-1900 (Winter 2021)
- Teaching Assistant for AAS18: Introduction to Caribbean Studies (Winter 2022)
- Teaching Assistant for HIS10B: World History, c. 1350-1850 (Spring 2022)
- Teaching Assistant for AAS18: Introduction to Caribbean Studies (Winter 2024)
- Teaching Assistant for HIS72B: Women & Gender in America, 1865-Present (Spring 2024)
- Sato, Lana; Rendeiro Neto, Manoel; Carvalho, Carlos Antônio; e Tiago Luís Gil. “Eliminating White Spots: A Disassembly of Curt Nimuendajú’s Indigenist Cartography.” História Da Historiografia: International Journal of Theory and History of Historiography, Ouro Preto, v. 14, n. 37, set.-dez. 2021
- Ramalho, João Pedro Galvão; Rendeiro Neto, Manoel; Maluly, Vinicius Sodré and Tiago Luís Gil, “Les Groupes Autochtones et La Morphologie de La Conquête en Amérique Portugaise.” Nuevo Mundo Mundos Nuevos [Online], Debates, Online since 25 June 2020.
- Latin American History Workshop Coordinator (2019-2020)
- BRAHUS - Brazilian Historians in the United States
- Atlas Digital da América Lusa